Chapter 15

Chapter 15

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Chapter 15:

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Yuka is back…? Why, after all this time? What the hell is the purpose…

A large number of question marks filled my head. Of course, I wasn't the only one who was confused, Riko was as well. She seemed to be more confused than I was, and had been in a freeze ever since. I think her brain might have short-circuited.

Thinking about it didn't get me anywhere, so I pulled Riko along and got on the train.

I'm sure that Ami-san was confused as well. Anyway, seeing Yuka after all this time won't make any difference in my life. However, Riko may be different. For Riko, Yuka is her mother, and maybe she will have to live with her mother instead of her aunt in the future. The choice is Riko's to make.

No matter how hard she tries, the train's arrival time will never change. She was told to come home early, but we didn't arrive at Riko's house until over an hour later.

I pressed the button on the intercom and the door opened immediately.

“Welcome back, Riko. Kazuma-kun, too.”

“Ami-san, I heard that Yuka came home.”

“Yes. I haven't heard any details yet, so get inside, both of you.”

Ami-san pulled us in with both hands. Even though she was her own sister, she hadn't seen her in a long time, so maybe it was awkward to deal with her alone.

"Come on, come on!"

She hurried us up.

Riko and I followed her as she ran down the hallway like a triple jump athlete.

Yuka was sitting on a chair in the dining room with her head down.

I could tell from her clothes and expression that she did not lead a wealthy and happy life. I knew at a glance that she was Yuka, but she was nothing like the Yuka I remembered. She had an aura of unhappiness oozing from her whole body.


She seemed to deviate from the Yuka that Riko knew, and seemed to be afraid to talk to her, as if she was talking to someone who looked exactly like her.

At the sound of her daughter's voice, Yuka, who had been lying face down, looked up.

"Riko, it's been a long time."

She smiled awkwardly, then looked at the man standing next to her daughter (Kazuma Asakura).


She rolled her eyes and exclaimed.

Seeing her reaction, I was sure. Yuka knows who I am.

"Eh? Um, it's you, Kazuma-kun, aren’t you...? Why…?”

“...Long time no see.”

“Did you come to see me by any chance?”


I shook my head in denial.

Did I come to see Yuka? No, of course not.

“If that were the case…”

“Riko and Kazuma-kun are in a relationship.”

Ami-san explained briefly.

When Yuka found out about my relationship with Riko, she seemed to go into a mild panic.

''Huh? They're dating? Do you mean Riko and Kazuma? How is that possible? I mean, that's a crime!”

“I'm their guardian, and I approved their relationship, so it's not a crime.”

“Sis, why did you approve of their relationship?”

Yuka banged the table and raised her voice, but Ami-san ignored her and said, "Both of you, don't just stand there, sit down.”

Then we sat down next to Yuka.

Riko and I looked at each other and nodded, then sat down side by side on the seat across from her. A moment later, Yuka asked her sister the same question again.

"Sis, why did you agree with Riko and Kazuma's relationship!? He's…my ex-boyfriend and there's a 17 year age difference between them. It's crazy!”

“I think you're crazy, abusing your daughter and then disappearing without telling her anything.”

Yuka was momentarily at a loss for words when she heard this.

“It's not …the same thing. I was mentally unstable after Hiroki was killed. That's why…"

"But that doesn't mean you can abuse my daughter, does it?"


“Mom, I don't care about you anymore…”

When Riko spoke to her, Yuka let out a sob.

“I'm really …sorry about that time…”

If she is feeling regret and remorse, she can still be saved. If she had tried to turn the tables on us, we might have lost our temper.

“So, where have you been since you disappeared?”

Ami-san asks, or rather, demands an answer from her.


"Were you doing something criminal that you can't tell us about?"

“No! I was living with my boyfriend.”

"Your boyfriend?"

Of course, neither Ami-san, me, nor Riko-chan knew about this ‘boyfriend’. It is not strange or unethical for Yuka to have a boyfriend since Hiroki-kun died a long time ago…

“What about this boyfriend?”

"He was caught."

“What…?" Caught means …arrested, right?”


“What's the …charge?”

“Fraud, etc.”

The way you're talking, you've got something else going on.

When Ami-san  heard that her boyfriend had been arrested, she held her head with a sigh.

"So, you see, the reason why I came to my sister like this today is…”

Yuka got up from her chair and sat upright on the wooden floor, bowing her head deeply.

“Please lend me some money.”

...To be continued!


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